Old briefcase covered in multicolored paper rectangles.

The briefcase contains a concealed weapon.

The surface of this form is covered with the names of all of the billionaires at the time of its making.

13”X60”X13” 2021

84”X168”X2” - 2020-2021

24”X30”X6” 2020

36”X5”X5” - 2020

The heads of people working in the US weapons manufacturing industry.

15’X10’ - 2019
A work in progress made of the heads of people that work in the weapons manufacturing industry.

Video by Cole Rietenbach

15’X10’X10’ 2019
Trickle down as a barren tree with a woodpecker stand in.

Artificial Christmas tree trunk/mechanism.

Repurposed motor altered to rotate slower 2019

8’X20’ 2018
The date of the presidential election, representing the five stages of grief - Acceptance, Depression, Bargaining, Anger, Denial.

2018 12’X8’
Inspired by a map of militias

5’X5’ 2018
Logos of the 12 largest world banks reversed and upside down

12”X18” each 2018
21 quotes from the perspective of the privileged

Right Side view 2018

8”X5”X1” 2018
Hilary embedded in the wall on a form that is designed to optically allow her face to follow your movement into profile.

16”X12” 2016

6’X6’X1’ 2018
Second largest word in the English language meaning; the estimation of something as worthless, a paper version of a man’s jacket made of Trump’s most disparaging quotes at the time.

6’X6’X1’ 2018

6’X6’X1’ 2018

The entire congressional body, seen here as an act of double erasure. Each politician’s head erased in photoshop, brought together as a group, printed on cloth and disassembled one horizontal thread at a time, leaving only the vertical image.

Video by Erek Nass

12”X4’X4’ 2018
50 re-purposed self-standing photo frames

20”X11”X9” 2018

16”X12”X3” 2018
A forgery made with sculpy clay incased in plaster poured into a re-purposed frame.

4’X7’ 2018
Post election Flag proposal

Installation view at the Angela Meleca Gallery. The work in ‘Sold Out’ adapts familiar iconography normally used to communicate a range of ideas spanning from local to global.

80”X80” 2016
A homage to color field painting through the statistics of the world military spending in 2005, the United States is represented here by raw canvas.

40”X120” 2016
Disclaimer for the addiction to gambling found on a lotto ticket translated into code.

9’X7’ 2016
An image based on an appropriated artist rendering of a Neanderthal.

22”X20” 2016
Pixelated mascot, made of paint samples and graphite

13’X6’X3’ 2016
My younger brother Eric made the original 13" version which hangs in our home. A quirky reminder of my brothers imagination at the age of 13 and the lack of all religion in my life.

12”X12”X2” 2018
Clock hand (small wire) moves counter clock wise.

5’X6’X7” 2016
40 index cards with the language of institutional branding. A mobile pyramid that floats and rotates as the viewers body approaches

40”X40”X4” 2016
Update to Robert Indiana’s love sculpture

14”X12”X5” 2016
Ayn Rand with eyes cutout leaning on frosted Plexiglas, the pupils drawn on the wall resting on a platform made up of the fortune 500.

5’X3’X1” 2016
Rural Lawn decoration repurposed and carved on both sides.

5’X3’X1” 2016
Rural Lawn decoration repurposed and carved on both sides.

Based on “The 48 laws of power” by Robert Greene, a Machiavellian collection of mantras, designed to control and manipulate people from the top down. The books thesis epitomizes the state of our current political and corporate culture; I can imagine that every CEO and Politician has taken the content to heart. Using press type, white out and quill pens I created a family tree with all the limbs sawn off.

Video by Erek Nass

60”X40”X40” 2018

Old briefcase covered in multicolored paper rectangles.
The briefcase contains a concealed weapon.
The surface of this form is covered with the names of all of the billionaires at the time of its making.
13”X60”X13” 2021
84”X168”X2” - 2020-2021
24”X30”X6” 2020
36”X5”X5” - 2020
The heads of people working in the US weapons manufacturing industry.
15’X10’ - 2019
A work in progress made of the heads of people that work in the weapons manufacturing industry.
Video by Cole Rietenbach
15’X10’X10’ 2019
Trickle down as a barren tree with a woodpecker stand in.
Artificial Christmas tree trunk/mechanism.
Repurposed motor altered to rotate slower 2019
8’X20’ 2018
The date of the presidential election, representing the five stages of grief - Acceptance, Depression, Bargaining, Anger, Denial.
2018 12’X8’
Inspired by a map of militias
5’X5’ 2018
Logos of the 12 largest world banks reversed and upside down
12”X18” each 2018
21 quotes from the perspective of the privileged
Right Side view 2018
8”X5”X1” 2018
Hilary embedded in the wall on a form that is designed to optically allow her face to follow your movement into profile.
16”X12” 2016
6’X6’X1’ 2018
Second largest word in the English language meaning; the estimation of something as worthless, a paper version of a man’s jacket made of Trump’s most disparaging quotes at the time.
6’X6’X1’ 2018
6’X6’X1’ 2018
The entire congressional body, seen here as an act of double erasure. Each politician’s head erased in photoshop, brought together as a group, printed on cloth and disassembled one horizontal thread at a time, leaving only the vertical image.
Video by Erek Nass
12”X4’X4’ 2018
50 re-purposed self-standing photo frames
20”X11”X9” 2018
16”X12”X3” 2018
A forgery made with sculpy clay incased in plaster poured into a re-purposed frame.
4’X7’ 2018
Post election Flag proposal
Installation view at the Angela Meleca Gallery. The work in ‘Sold Out’ adapts familiar iconography normally used to communicate a range of ideas spanning from local to global.
80”X80” 2016
A homage to color field painting through the statistics of the world military spending in 2005, the United States is represented here by raw canvas.
40”X120” 2016
Disclaimer for the addiction to gambling found on a lotto ticket translated into code.
9’X7’ 2016
An image based on an appropriated artist rendering of a Neanderthal.
22”X20” 2016
Pixelated mascot, made of paint samples and graphite
13’X6’X3’ 2016
My younger brother Eric made the original 13" version which hangs in our home. A quirky reminder of my brothers imagination at the age of 13 and the lack of all religion in my life.
12”X12”X2” 2018
Clock hand (small wire) moves counter clock wise.
5’X6’X7” 2016
40 index cards with the language of institutional branding. A mobile pyramid that floats and rotates as the viewers body approaches
40”X40”X4” 2016
Update to Robert Indiana’s love sculpture
14”X12”X5” 2016
Ayn Rand with eyes cutout leaning on frosted Plexiglas, the pupils drawn on the wall resting on a platform made up of the fortune 500.
5’X3’X1” 2016
Rural Lawn decoration repurposed and carved on both sides.
5’X3’X1” 2016
Rural Lawn decoration repurposed and carved on both sides.
Based on “The 48 laws of power” by Robert Greene, a Machiavellian collection of mantras, designed to control and manipulate people from the top down. The books thesis epitomizes the state of our current political and corporate culture; I can imagine that every CEO and Politician has taken the content to heart. Using press type, white out and quill pens I created a family tree with all the limbs sawn off.
Video by Erek Nass
60”X40”X40” 2018